
Friday, May 31, 2019

A Critical Study of Media Reaction to September 11 Essay example -- Se

September 11, 2001 A DAY OF INFAMY. So it was vehemently proclaimed in Time Magazines special issue dedicated to maven of the most tragic pointts in American History and arguably one of the most brutal acts of terrorism to date. America, in the spasms of a few hours, has become a changed country. Perhaps in an attempt to understand this change and come to grips with the ensuing crisis, more and more people are turning to the media for answers. Now more than ever, the media, videlicet television, radio, newspapers, and the internet, have become the most powerful tools in disseminating information relevant to this event. This is a truth we cannot escape. It would of course be nave to say that this information is unceasingly reliable and accurate. Beneath the surface there may be underlying messages which can serve to manipulate the public. We as individuals impoverishment to be aware of this reality. We need to be discerning with the information we take in, be able to circumsta ntially analyze it, and eventually make intelligent and informed judgements. Hence, to do a critical study of media culture with reference to the events transpiring after the September 11 attack, we need Cultural Studies. Cultural Studies gives us the methods for analyzing the media. It gives us the pedagogical tools necessary to critically interpret the media. It enables us to read cultural text against the grain by deconstructing it. In other words, it allows us to decode the encoded messages. An example of an encoded message could be the omnipresent NBC Peacock icon which has changed its rainbow colored wings to red, white and blue. Prior to this change, the constant presence of the logo at the bottom of the screen had made it almost covert... ...ake a quick buck by flaunting the flag on everything from a pin to clothing to various other patriotic paraphernalia. In many such cases the flag serves as a spectacle. Many billboards across town are an entire picture of the flag with no caption, thus creating a polysemic visual chassis evoking endless emotions and feelings in the viewer. From a cultural studies point of view, if one is to derive a lesson from all of this, it would be that we need to be educated in media literacy so that we can discern and discriminate between good media and bad. We should not be so nave as to blindly accept the subliminal or even sometimes overt messages conveyed through media. Instead, we need to critically decipher media messages and understand their overwhelming impact on our culture. Only then will we be authorize to make intelligent and informed judgements.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Turkey :: essays research papers fc

Because of the war women gained the right to vote to vote. In 1946, the multiparty era began. A military junta seized power and governed from 1960 to 1961. In 1961, a clean constitution was ratified, and elections began. The 70s were a time of political violence and economic uncertainty. Because of this, in 1980 a second junta was formed, which instituted martial law and abolished all political parties. The second junta was dissolved because of a new constitution, adopted in 1982. turkey then became a republican parliamentary democracy. The countrified of Turkey is a republic led by an choose president, which is similar to our country. Their president is H. E. Ahmet Necdet Sezer. He is the commander- in- chief of the armed forces, he is presiding officer at cabinet meetings, and the betoken of state. The Executive branch is made up of the chief of state, which is President Ahmet Necdet Sezer the head of government is Prime Minister Bulent, who represents the majority party or coalition in Parliament. The cabinet consist of Council of Ministers appointed by the President. The cabinet members are nominated by the Prime Minister and elected by the President. The President of Turkey is elected by the Grand National collection for a seven year term. All citizens over 20 years old are entitled to vote. The legislatue of the country is the Grand National Assembly, which is the Parliament of Turkey. They have the power to make laws, ratify treaties, and declare war. But unlike our Congress they are an unicameral legislature. This means that they solely have one house of legislature. The Grand National Assembly consist of two chambers, the National Assembly and the Senate. The National Assembly consist of 450 members, who are elected for 4 year terms by the people. The Senate has 150 members, plus 40 others who are not elected, but appointed as members for life. The elections were last held April 18, 1999. The seats held by varies parties are subject to change d ue to defections, creation of new parties, and ouster or death of sitting deputies, as of January 1, 1999. They receive their power from the Constitution of 1982. The Assembly is headed by the Prime Minister, Bulent Ecevit. Parliament in Turkeys electoral system are elected according to the proportion of votes they attract, rather then with the well-nigh votes won. A party needs 10% of the national vote before it can be considered for a seat in Parliament.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Industrial Relations Essay -- Politics, Bipartite Relationships

I.INTRODUCTIONIndustrial peace is one of the core issues in the field of industrial relations. Moore (1951) suggested that industrial conflicts gage be minimized or prevented by resort to two types of procedures first, a procedure of regulating and limiting the power of the two interest groups, especially by restricting power that can be exercised second, a procedure of providing positive tour of duty in industrial disputes. Both procedures suggest that beyond workers and employers, a third important player whitethorn also directly interfere in industrial relations processes.The Pluralist scheme, the mainstream industrial relations theory, focuses primarily on the bipartite relationship between the workers and employers. The third player, political agencies, though is equally important, is largely overlooked (Keller, 1991). However, as a theory of politics in essence, the Pluralist theory requires considerable elaboration on such a missing piece, for it leaves itself open to ques tions of inequality of power among different interest groups some groups may wield an influence on public policy which may not be the interest of other groups. Legislation and other public policy decisions oftentimes work through a complex process of political troupe structure (Hameed, 1982). Politics is one of the most important underlying developmental dynamic at bottom industrial relations as such governmental interference shall not be absent from existing theoretical frameworks.The primary objective of this paper is to examine the Pluralist theory focusing on its explanation on the manipulation of governmental agencies in industrial relations. Furthermore, I hope to prove that the absence of the role of the state may be a theoretical flaw within Pluralis... ...on McGuinty is being a lapdog for a union-hating decent-wing mayor because he is afraid of Fords political clout, not because he cares about transit in Toronto. (CBC News, 30 March, 2011)though these statements may be purely Mr. Kinnears expression of personal interests, one interesting fact about this dispute is that, TTC management and TTC employees in fact nem con oppose this provision. Management fear the unintended consequence of governmental intervention will reversely cause higher wage, TTC employees worry that they may lose their right to strike as a powerful channel to articulate themselves. All in all, it is without a doubt that government actively involves in this industrial conflict, and pluralism theory again, fails to explain why government has taken such an active role in interfering labour relations between TTC management and employees.

Portrayals of Prostitution in Jane Eyre :: Jane Eyre Essays

Portrayals of Prostitution in Jane Eyre Bronte paints many parallels between the types in the novel and the trade of prostitution. One of the main characters that Bronte attributes poverty to is the character of Jane. Janes poverty is intrinsically important to the plot of the novel because Bronte uses Janes poverty to allow the reader to picture Jane as a virtuous woman, such as when Jane flees from Thornfield to escape the entrapment of Rochester. The reader is urged to feel sympathy for Jane as she adheres to her strict, virtuous moral codes and does non allow herself to succumb to temptation. Jane exhibits her desperate situation when she has fled from Thornfield and is struggling to capture herself. Jane states, Once more I took off my handkerchief-once more I thought of the cakes of bread in the little shop. Oh, but for a crust For but unity mouthful to allay the pang of famine (Bronte, ch.28 323). The language use in the passage shows that Jane is in a state of desperat ion and she still does not mending to prostitution, even though in many respects she does not have another choice. Jane is at a point in her life where she must do something to sustain her life, but Jane never even contemplates prostitution as an option to enable her to obtain money or food. In puritanic society Janes poverty and subsequent life would have rendered her a blush candidate for taking up the trade of prostitution. The description given by Vicinus of the woman near vulnerable to fall victim to the trade of prostitution is exchangeable to Janes life. Jane is a domestic servant in her roles as a governess at Lowood and Thornfield and she has no familial ties. One of the dominant distinctions of a dainty harlot was her fix or love of finery. When the love of finery is introduced Bronte veers off the course of identifying Jane with the likeness of a prostitute. The Victorian prostitute is associated with the love of fine dresses, like that of the upper-class society. The prostitutes dress denoted her as a disgraceful and immoral character because she wore the type of dress that was not associated with her class. Valverde states, What was or was not finery depended upon the socioeconomic status of the wearer (Valverde 169). The love of finery is relentlessly associated with the Victorian prostitute, but Jane portrays an image of plainness in the attire that she wears.Portrayals of Prostitution in Jane Eyre Jane Eyre EssaysPortrayals of Prostitution in Jane Eyre Bronte paints many parallels between the characters in the novel and the trade of prostitution. One of the main characters that Bronte attributes poverty to is the character of Jane. Janes poverty is intrinsically important to the plot of the novel because Bronte uses Janes poverty to allow the reader to picture Jane as a virtuous woman, such as when Jane flees from Thornfield to escape the entrapment of Rochester. The reader is urged to feel sympathy for Jane as she adheres to her st rict, virtuous moral codes and does not allow herself to succumb to temptation. Jane exhibits her desperate situation when she has fled from Thornfield and is struggling to sustain herself. Jane states, Once more I took off my handkerchief-once more I thought of the cakes of bread in the little shop. Oh, but for a crust For but one mouthful to allay the pang of famine (Bronte, ch.28 323). The language used in the passage shows that Jane is in a state of desperation and she still does not resort to prostitution, even though in many respects she does not have another choice. Jane is at a point in her life where she must do something to sustain her life, but Jane never even contemplates prostitution as an option to enable her to obtain money or food. In Victorian society Janes poverty and subsequent life would have rendered her a prime candidate for taking up the trade of prostitution. The description given by Vicinus of the woman most vulnerable to fall victim to the trade of prostitu tion is similar to Janes life. Jane is a domestic servant in her roles as a governess at Lowood and Thornfield and she has no familial ties. One of the dominant distinctions of a Victorian prostitute was her dress or love of finery. When the love of finery is introduced Bronte veers off the course of identifying Jane with the likeness of a prostitute. The Victorian prostitute is associated with the love of fine dresses, like that of the upper-class society. The prostitutes dress denoted her as a disgraceful and immoral character because she wore the type of dress that was not associated with her class. Valverde states, What was or was not finery depended upon the socioeconomic status of the wearer (Valverde 169). The love of finery is relentlessly associated with the Victorian prostitute, but Jane portrays an image of plainness in the attire that she wears.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Gender Inequality Essay -- Sexual Inequality

It is only recently that sociology has begun to explore the topic of gender. Before this, inequalities within society were based primarily on factors such as social class and status. This paper will discuss gender itself what makes us who we are and how we are represented. It will also explore discrimination towards women throughout history, snap mainly on women and the right to vote, inequalities between males and females in the work place and how gender is represented in the media.The term gender was coined by John bills in 1955 Gender is used to signify all those things that a person says or does to disclose himself/herself as having the status of a boy or man, little girl or woman, respectively (Coleman and Money, 1991, 13). In sociological terms, gender is a division between men and women which is clear in society throughout the past - for example, in Ancient Egypt with the idea that there was little point in teaching women to read and write. Gender inequalities can be seen t hroughout many different aspects of our cursory lives from the gender pay gap, to gender discrimination in television adverts. These inequalities are accepted readily in todays society and most leave out to see that direct gender discrimination is still very much a problem in society today. In 1988, Bretl and Cantor conducted a report card into gender representation in television programs and advertisements. It was found that women were more likely to be filmed in a domestic situation and portrayed as being unemployed, working part-time or in low paying jobs such as catering and sales. It was also found that 90% of the time a narrator would be male, and women were more likely than men to be seen advertising household goods (Furnham, A. Mak, T. 1999, 414). It... ...eadmin/DU/Academics/course_material/hrge_04.pdf (Accessed 19/10/11)Wright, O (2011). Princesses to be given equality of eon, I newspaper. OECD (2002) Women at work who are they and how are they faring?http//www.oecd. org/dataoecd/28/58/18960381.pdf (Accessed 18/10/11)Arnst, C. (2007) Women and the Pay Gap Bloomberg Businessweekhttp//www.businessweek.com/careers/workingparents/blog/archives/2007/04/working_women_a.html (Accessed 17/10/11)Carmen, D. (2007) Why do men earn more? Just because Denver Post http//www.denverpost.com/news/ci_5735341 (Accessed 17/10/11)Barclay, A. Clarke, G. Drew, A. Morrison, I. (2007) Higher Modern Studies Course Notes. Leckie and Leckie.Allen, K. (2010) capable pay for women not likely till 2067, says research The Guardian http//www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2010/aug/19/equal-pay-women-2057 (Accessed 23/10/11)

Gender Inequality Essay -- Sexual Inequality

It is only recently that sociology has begun to explore the topic of gender. Before this, inequalities within ships company were base primarily on factors such as social class and term. This paper will discuss gender itself what makes us who we are and how we are represented. It will as well as explore discrimination towards women throughout history, focusing mainly on women and the right to vote, inequalities between males and females in the work place and how gender is represented in the media.The bound gender was coined by John Money in 1955 Gender is used to signify all those things that a person says or does to disclose himself/herself as having the status of a boy or man, girl or woman, respectively (Coleman and Money, 1991, 13). In sociological terms, gender is a division between men and women which is clear in society throughout the past - for example, in Ancient Egypt with the idea that there was little point in teaching women to read and write. Gender inequalities can be seen throughout many different aspects of our daily lives from the gender pay gap, to gender discrimination in television adverts. These inequalities are accepted readily in at presents society and most fail to see that direct gender discrimination is still very much a problem in society today. In 1988, Bretl and Cantor conducted a study into gender representation in television programs and advertisements. It was found that women were more likely to be filmed in a domestic situation and portrayed as being unemployed, working part-time or in low paying jobs such as catering and sales. It was likewise found that 90% of the time a narrator would be male, and women were more likely than men to be seen advertising household goods (Furnham, A. Mak, T. 1999, 414). It... ...eadmin/DU/Academics/course_material/hrge_04.pdf (Accessed 19/10/11)Wright, O (2011). Princesses to be given equality of succession, I newspaper. OECD (2002) Women at work who are they and how are they faring?http/ /www.oecd.org/dataoecd/28/58/18960381.pdf (Accessed 18/10/11)Arnst, C. (2007) Women and the Pay flutter Bloomberg Businessweekhttp//www.businessweek.com/careers/workingparents/blog/archives/2007/04/working_women_a.html (Accessed 17/10/11)Carmen, D. (2007) Why do men earn more? Just because Denver Post http//www.denverpost.com/news/ci_5735341 (Accessed 17/10/11)Barclay, A. Clarke, G. Drew, A. Morrison, I. (2007) Higher Modern Studies Course Notes. Leckie and Leckie.Allen, K. (2010) Equal pay for women not likely till 2067, says research The Guardian http//www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2010/aug/19/equal-pay-women-2057 (Accessed 23/10/11)

Monday, May 27, 2019

Sojourner Truth Essay

Sojourner Truth was born in 1797 on the Colonel Johannes Hardenbergh e say in Swartekill, in Ulster County, a Dutch settlement in upstate New York. Her given name was Isabella Baumfree, also spelled Bomefree. She was one of 13 children born to Elizabeth and James Baumfree, also slaves on the Hardenbergh plantation. She r only Dutch until she was sold from her family close to the age of nine. Isabella suffered very cruel treatment once her first superscript died and she was sold to her next master, buttocks Neely.Neelys wife and family only spoke side and drive Isabella fiercely for the frequent miscommunications. She learned to speak English quickly, but she still had her Dutch accent. She later spoke up and said that Neely once whipped her with a bundle of rods, prepared in the embers, and bound together with cords. During this time that she began praying aloud when she became scared or hurt. In 1815, she fell in love with a slave named Robert. Roberts owner forbade the relat ionship because he did not want his slave having children with a slave he did not own.One night Robert visited Isabella, but was followed by his owner and son, who beat him savagely, bruising and mangling his head and face, and dragged him away. She never got to see him again. Isabella had a daughter shortly thereafter, named Diana. In 1817, she was forced to marry an older slave named Thomas. They had four children Peter, James, who died young, Elizabeth, and Sophia. In 1799, the state of New York began to legislate the gradual abolition of slaves, which was supposed to happen July 4, 1827. Dumont had promised Isabella freedom a year before the state emancipation if she would do well and be faithful.However, he reneged on his promise. She continued working until she felt she had done enough to satisfy her sense of obligation to him. She then escaped with her infant daughter, Sophia. Isabella went the home of Isaac and mare Van Wagenen. Dumont found her and demanded her to go back. When she refused he threatened to take her baby. Isaac offered to buy her services for the remainder of the year. Dumont accepted his offer for $20. Isaac and Maria insisted Isabella not call them master and mistress, but by their names.Once Isabella heard about her son she immediately set to work retrieving her young son Peter. He had recently been sold illegally to a slave holder in Alabama. She took it to the court and won. She was one of the first African Americans to win a court case. Isabella had a life-changing religious experience and became inspired to preach. In 1829, she left Ulster County and became known as a remarkable preacher, whose influence was miraculous. She soon met Elijah Pierson, a religious reformer who advocated strict adherence to Old Testament laws for salvation.In 1834, Pierson had died and the Folger family accuse Isabella of stealing their money and poisoning Elijah. Everything was eventually acquitted. Isabella settled in New York City, but she had lo st what savings and possessions she had. She resolved to leave and make her way as a traveling preacher. On June 1, 1843, she changed her name to Sojourner Truth. She traveled, depending on the kindness of strangers. She began dictating her memoirs to Olive Gilbert. The Narrative of Sojourner Truth A Northern Slave was published privately by William Lloyd Garrison in 1850.It gave her an income and increased her speaking engagements. She spoke about anti-slavery and womens rights, often giving personal testimony about her experiences as a slave. That same year, 1850, Bensons cotton mill failed and he left Northampton. In 1854, at the Ohio Womans Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio, she gave her most famous speech, with the legendary phrase, Aint I a Woman? During the Civil War, she spoke on the Unions behalf, as well as for enlisting black troops for the cause and freeing slaves.In 1864, she worked among freed slaves at a government refugee camp on an is charge in Virginia and was emp loyed by the National Freedmans Relief Association in Washington, D. C. She also met President Abraham Lincoln in October. In 1863, Harriet Beecher Stowes article The Libyan Sibyl appeared in the Atlantic Monthly a romanticized description of Sojourner. In 1870, she began campaigning for the federal government to provide former slaves with land. She pursued this for seven long time. In 1874, she developed ulcers on her leg. She was successfully treated by Dr.Orville Guiteau, veterinarian, but had to return home due to illness once more. She did toured as much as she could, still campaigning for free land for former slaves. In 1879, Sojourner was delighted as many freed slaves began migrating west and north on their own. She spent a year helping refugees and speaking in black-and-blue and black churches trying to gain support for the Exodusters as they tried to build new lives for themselves. This was her last mission. In July of 1883, with ulcers on her legs, she sought treatment t hrough Dr. John Harvey Kellogg at his famous Battle Creek Sanitarium.It is said he grafted some of his own skin onto her leg. Sojourner returned home and died there on November 26, 1883, at 86 years old. She was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery next to her grandson. WORK CITIED Pauli, Hertha Ernestine. Her Name Was Sojourner Truth. NY Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1962. Slave Narratives. NY Library of America, 2000. Stetson, Erlene, and Linda David. Glorying in Tribulation The Lifework of Sojourner Truth. East Lansing, MI boodle State University Press, 1994. http//www. biography. com/people/sojourner-truth-9511284 http//www. harpyness. com/2009/02/09/honoring-sojourner-truth-1797-1883/

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Homelessness and Print Ad

Cassandra Allen June 26, 2012 English 1101 Ms. Kristen Miller Homelessness Do you speculate you washbasin make it? Sometimes, I wonder how others can. Others, could what you may ask? Live on the street be homeless somebody. Homelessness my affect the person sitting next to you, your best friend, or even your close family members. Just because they look like they are non homeless does not mean they arent. When you watch a commercial or even view a picture in the newspaper about homeless plurality, what do you ask yourself first? Which one do you think captures your attention more than to make you feel like you need to help make a change?In this essay I will compare two mediums a video and print ad which deals with homelessness and show you how emotional appeal ties twain mediums together. I also, will show you how I think more emotional appeal is shown in the video than in the print ad. Emotional appeal is showed in homelessness whether it is when you are saddened by looking at a homeless person on the street or even hearing them begging for something. When you dramatise a look at the print ad, you have to think a picture is worth a thousand words and what does this mean.The print ad states the following When you apply to the coupled Way, youre aid homeless people overcome the obstacles in their lives by providing things like shelter, hot meals, and training programs. With United Way funded agencies helping so many in our community, make a difference is easier than you think. The statement you have just read is posted on the print ad and it is trying to promote sentiency about homelessness. The print ad does a great job of showing emotion. In the picture on the print ad, you can see a persons hand is trying to shield a homeless man from lying on the street in the rain.This picture explains a story that helping hands can be used to help shelter people around us in need. If we join hand in hand that we can make a difference in a homeless persons life. In the Aloha United Way 2008 homelessness commercial, it shows you how normal everyday people become homeless not just because they wanted to but because they were force to. The couple in this video was able to join a shelter. Living in this shelter helped the couple acquire jobs to help themselves. This shelter was funded by the United Way.By helping fund organizations like this, you can help like I did and take part in rewriting the stories of over 2,400 homeless people. So, by viewing this video it shows you that you may not be homeless but it can see to you also as well as me. This commercial makes homelessness turn into reality and shows you how it can really be. Just like the print ad both are funded by the United Way organization. Some people may feel like the print ad and the video ad affect them in the alike(p) way. In my opinion I think the video should impact your emotions more. By watching this, you will see and hear someones testimony.So the video has more visualiza tion and also has audio while the print ad just has the one picture. I feel like the print ad leaves you asking questions. some(prenominal) the video and print ads are helpful in ways that they help get the message across about homelessness and promote awareness. In this essay I have talked with you about a print and video ad that both target homelessness. I have explained to you that the video ad is more appealing to me. In the sense that the print ad you have visualization but no audio as the video have both which the audio is a testimony.So, think about what I have explain to you today and ask yourself which one would you use to get more funding for the United Way organization. Bibliography AUW808. Aloha United Way 2008 Homelessness Commercial. YouTube. YouTube, 16 June 2008. Web. 26 June 2012. . Way, United. Without You. There Would Be No Way. Digital image. Coloribus. com. United Way, 17 Apr. 2008. Web. 26 June 2012. .

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Digging by Seamus Heaney

Digging -by seamus Heaney The poet, Seamus Heaney uses simple words in his numbers which is beautifully portrayed as well as easy to understand. The poem is basically about the poets respect and admiration of his fathers and grandfathers hard work. The poem begins in the present tense form. The poet, Heaney, is in his room, writing while his father is digging. It can be assumed that the poet is near a window so that when he looks outside he can see his father digging. It is important to note that Heaney looks down at his fathers straining rump.Literally his position at the window is elevated but we also get the sense that Heaney somehow feels superior to manual work and that he does not like this feeling. The next stanza takes us natural covering to previous years before his fathers retirement from farming Bends low, comes up twenty years out-of-door. We move effortlessly and beautifully from the present day flowerbed to the previous years potato drills. The poet then begins to de scribe his fathers skills. The paradoxical coarse boot clutch shows the physicality and hardwork of digging alongside the love his father has for it.Heaney uses a two line stanza beginning with the exclamatory By God to take us win back to his grandfathers digging skills. The exclamation and the conversational tone add a feeling of being with Heaney as he reminisces. Neatly Heaney has taken us back to his forefathers to show that working with the land has always been a tradition in the family. He has broken this chain by choosing to become a writer. The next stanza is a memory of visiting his grandfather as he cuts peat from the bog.The bottle corked sloppily with paper reflects Heaneys clumsiness in practical matters but also a different use of paper to the one he is really skilled at. This is a family proud of their achievements which are measured by a spade and the power to handle one My grandfather could cut more turf in a day than any other man on Toners bog. The next-to-las t stanza reveals the difficulties created by Heaneys wish to write. The curt cuts through accompaniment roots are not only the sharp edge of the spade cutting through living turf.They are the sharp words spoken as Heaney cuts his ties with his familys traditional means of earning a living. And so we return to the beginning lines of the poem with the significant change from as snug as a gun to Ill dig with it. Heaney recognizes that his skill with a pen is comparable to that of his forefathers with a spade. He also realizes that he can conduct the love for skilled work with the land through his writing. Just as his grandfather was digging down and down for the good turf so lead Heaney dig down and down for the good stuff that makes his poetry so exquisite.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Relationship between the three arms of government

The American government as a democratic government functions under the counsellor of three government arms. The role of each arm of government is seely spelt under the doctrine of business office separation that sought to offer clear guidelines to allow the smooth and effective execution of government affairs. Bernas (1997) however claims that there are several government departments within these separate arms of government that hand overlapping roles and that one certain issues it is hard to decide which arm the jurisdiction of much(prenominal) a controversial issue falls.However, it is argued that the founders of the nation sought to ensure the emancipation of all branches to ensure their supremacy in dealing with their peculiar(prenominal) spheres. However, it is necessary to note therefore that the functions of these arms of governments must adhere strictly to the nature natural elevation the question of who should be supercharged with the responsibility of enforcing th ose provisions. The decision maker arm of the government is fundamentally important to carry out the day to day running of the country. This power is usually vested upon the president and any person that the president deems fit to have power delegated to him.Therefore, the brass mandates a duly elected president to appoint such individuals as he may see fit subject to the approval of congress. This paper in essence tries to focus on this relationship whereby a particular of the government is subject to the oversight of an new(prenominal) in carrying out its duties. It therefore becomes necessary for the president to appoint such individuals as qualified to handle their individual duties and such individuals must hold high integrity for them to get the necessary legislative backing.The president enjoys immense powers under the constitution among which includes the responsibility of defending the constitution and protecting the united States from attacks. For this purpose it is i mportant that his powers be subject to some form of oversight in order for it not to be misused to the evil of ordinary Americans. The legislature is a basic necessity in any democratic nation and the United States is a pillar of freedom and hence the United States congress is the custodian of law formulation in the nation.The legislative wing consists of two separate houses expected to ensure effective and just formulation of laws to the service of society. The legislature is also charged with the responsibility of formulation laws regarding tax and authorizing various government expenditures. Furthermore the senate has complete authority to authorize the signing of treaties involving the nation livery to the question of whether the executive has any true autonomous powers. It is also important to note at this juncture that it is not only congress that has influence on the executive but also the executive has respectable influence over the legislature.Most committee chairmen ar e appointed by companionship leaders, plus the fact the party leader also appoints a majority leader in congress to spear head party agendas in congress. In this regard the executive has considerable influence on the direction of congress even in ignoring the fact that the president has veto power over bills passed in congress. The other arm is the administration charged with the administration of justice based on equality, equity and integrity. The courts are the grounds through which conflicts are to be resolved and injustices either compen filld or punished.In these solemn corridors of justice civil and criminal proceedings are initiated and the process of establishing guilt or innocence cleverly and impartially established. The court is also charged with the important duty of construeing the constitution and establishing whether certain statues are constitutional or not. The appointment of judges is however left to the hands of the executive on the confirmation of the legisla ture. The judiciary is also charged with the duty to protect the rights and freedoms of the American citizens against the exploitation of both the executive and the legislature.In this regard, the court is mandated to provide guidance and authority to the executive on the application of certain statutes that might infringe on the rights of the citizens. In this regard the court acts as the oversight authority on the excesses of the both the executive and the legislature by putting the interest of the citizens before all else. There are those who feel that oversight over government branches should be left to the masses. However, such a claim becomes rather untenable since there are no clear mechanisms to identify breach of constitution since most people lack the practiced expertise to interpret the constitution.Furthermore, even when such a breach might be on the ordinary domain there are no mechanisms for the public to stop legislation or the enforcement of the same. There fore, i t becomes necessary to allow the court since it has been charged with matters pertaining to the administration of justice and the upholding of the constitution. The court has the technical and legal mandate to interpret the constitution and therefore has the moral authority to rule on matters regarding the constitutionality of matters pertaining to changes or issues related to the constitution (Coxe, 2005).Opponents of the judicial power of review would seem to be disordered in the fallacious belief that the authority of the judiciary to review legislations enacted by congress and senate as an interference of the role of the legislature. It can be argued if the status of other countries like the U K that bars courts from reviewing primary bills was to be taken into consideration that indeed the judiciary might have exceeded its jurisdiction. However, it is necessary and the constitution clearly stipulates that any law that is contrary to the constitution is null and void.Therefore , it is simply logical that the judiciary in exercising its role of constitutional interpretation make reignings on the constitutionality of bills passed by the legislative wing of government. This is because law makers might if no oversight exists make laws that are in their favor even if they are in dispute of the constitution. This is possible since the constitution might be subject to misinterpretation and due to its impartial nature, the judiciary can be trusted to enforce the provisions of constitution against the partisan interests of politicians.The status quo has not always been so since the various arms of government did not infringe on the operations of the other. The courts oversight on the constitutionality of legislations emanated from the ruling of the case, William Marbury v. James Madison, secretary of state of the United States. The court had ruled that Marburys petition to the court under the judicial act of 1789 to compel the secretary of sate to deliver his co mmissioning document was unconstitutional (Marshal, 1803). However, it is clear that since the three branches serve as one government, they cannot function without relating and providing oversight to each other.This creates accountability and checks against power mistreat which might disadvantage the very people they are sworn in to serve. The legislator serves as an oversight against the executive and so the court must serve as and oversight on the legislature. Therefore, the present relation ship between the three branches is vital for the necessary functioning of the country and in the observance of the supremacy of our constitution. References Bernas, J. (1997). inbuilt structure and powers of Government. Manila Rex books. Coxe, B.(2005). An essay on judicial power and unconstitutional legislation 2005. Da carpo press. Marshal, C. J. (1803). William Marbury V. James Madison, Secretary Of State Of The United States . Retrieved 1 may 2009, from http//www. law. umkc. edu/faculty /projects/ftrials/conlaw/marbury. HTML. The United States Constitution. (2009). The executive presidential powers. Retrieved 2 May 3, 2009 from http//www. usconstitution. net/const. html. Steven, S. (1999). The American Congress Roles of the legislature. Boston Houghton Mifflin.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Coal Crimes of Buffalo Creek

Let us imagine that one day a natural disaster hits your town, you watched everyone you know lose their homes, and for some, their lives. Your life visualise about likely would be skewed for some time, but who could you blame? Nature? God? While tragic, an dissemble of nature or god most often carries no great amount of blame with it. This is not the case in the overawe Creek incident however. It is important to note that the pile of the overawe Creek area were deeply traumatized by this event, and their trust violated by those responsible for this incident.The overawe Creek incident is one of the most widely study disasters in the U. S. and as Kai T. Erikson writes in his prologue to Everything in Its Path It was a fairly contained disaster, as such things go, having taken place on a scale low enough to on the wholeow one to see it whole,. There were a number of variables leading into that day, the day the block gave way, and throughout the course of this paper I narrow bring down to trace the pattern back to the source of this disaster, the creator of a situation that certainly does deserve blame.What it comes down to in the aftermath of this disaster is whether to cast the wickedness on the ember company that created the environment for this disaster, or the people of the valley who some might say had failed to save themselves. The ember company would trivialize the press release that the people of this valley community had undergone and try to label the flood an act of God. (Stern) I however, soundly took the side of these mountain people as I read about the coal industrys molestation of their land, and the destruction of WV life as they had once known it.The coal industry creeped its way into the lives of westerly Virginians over the better part of a century. Although coal had always been rich in West Virginias land and it was know for sometime to be that way, coal companies did not gain access to most areas of WV including Logan County un til the very early 1900s as railroads invaded the hills and valleys. ember federation employment greatly changed the lives of W. Virginians over time, bringing them down from the mountain farms they used to live on, to factory like homes constructed in crowded valley mining towns.The miners of Logan County were also influenced heavily from the company to remain non-union workers which is to the ultimate eudaemonia of the industry rather than the miner. The popularity of the studies into this disaster are not only beneficial to our response to disasters that are both man made and acts of god, but also to put forward the protection and safety of a companys workers through stricter safety guidelines.On the morning of February 26, 1972 132 million gallons of black water and coal waste constrained its way through the impoundments that the Buffalo tap Company had built in three stages over the span of two or three years. The Pittston coal Company did not feel they needed to say sorry or strikeer retribution for the damages caused by their poor management and supervision of dam construction, this act is what sparked the defiance in the people victimized by the flood. (Erikson)Immediately following the disaster Pittston began doing damage control for the protection of the company and tried to place all of the responsibility away from themselves during the ensuing legal battles. Pittston lawyers immediately began treating the people left behind in the wake of the disaster as potential adversaries in court of justice action, questioning them not about the state of their living conditions but instead about their ill will against the company (Erikson).During one of the interviews included in Everything in Its Path a former mine worker said Lawyers had contracted him Do you have any hard feelings against Pittston? and Do you believe theyll talk to people? . While these actions may have seemed like sensible legal maneuvers in Pittstons legal team, they proved to se ed a deep resentment toward the coal company in the minds of Buffalo Creeks residents. The second mistake Pittston made, as described in The Buffalo Creek Disaster, was them stating that the break in the dam was caused by floodingan Act of God. (Stern). Throughout the works of both Kai T. Erikson and Gerald M. Stern there is a general consensus that the valley community being a generally religious group of people were provoked by this statement. In this respect Pittston ultimately did more to embolden their adversaries than they did to protect themselves from monetary loss in the end.Pittston sear Company and the Buffalo Mining Company are the responsible parties for this man made disaster from the beginning of its creation until the day of the flood. The Buffalo Mining Co. nd Pittston both failed to learn from past mistakes during the construction of the dam system. Pittston ignored the poor quality of the dams built, previous complaints about the lack of emergency run off system s, and multiple previous failures of the dams which were simply patched and reinforced in the same faulty manner as the original was made. In March of 1971 several Coal Company officials noted that there was a significant slumping in dam 3 and it was estimated at 150 to 200 feet wide across the face of the dam and 20 to 30 feet from the face back. by testimony of Ben Tudor, General Superintendent, Buffalo Mining Company. Later that same month it was recorded that a West Virginia subdivision of Natural Resources inspector had listed a . . . lack of emergency spillway or overflow system from upper impoundment. (In this instance, upper impoundment refers to Dam No. 3. ). contempt these and many other alarming findings, no significant improvements were made before the dam systems failure in 1972. (Kelley). On the day of the disaster, citizens of Buffalo Creek Valley had little or no warning from Pittston or the Buffalo Mining Co. f the impending danger until the wall of water had des cended upon them. Pittston Coal neglected to warn The Mining Bureau, the National Guard, the State Police, and even the Logan County Sheriffs office. (Stern). In Everything in Its Path Erikson includes several accounts of victims who had been given no warning at all that there was danger of a flood at that time. The importance of this disaster and its aftermath has permanently touched the way we handle disaster prevention, relief, deport traumatic counseling, and hopefully future litigation.While the magnifying glass initially was held over the coal industry and specifically on the legal battle that the people of Buffalo Creek eventually would win, its scope has continued to broaden over years and will remain an important learning tool for use in varieties of disasters on the earth and humanity. Consider the lessons to be learned by all companies and corporations in respect to how they monitor the safety of their employees and the communities they have potential impact on.I ask yo u to consider the victims of the Buffalo Creek flood as brave pioneers into the world of disasters, and appreciate the advancements that have been made possible by their bravery. References Erikson, K. T. (1976). Everything in its Path conclusion of Community in the Buffalo Creek Flood. New York, NY Simon & Schuster Paperbacks. Kelley, J. H. , Dr. (1973). The Buffalo Creek Flood and Disaster Official Report from the Governors Ad Hoc explosive charge of Inquiry. West Virginia Archives & History.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Tool Control

So, its about 1700 and my flight has honorable landed and e realthing went pretty well. We ar closing up the bird and getting ready to go home. The helicopter is all tied up and wiped down and e realthing is start to look good. Then some last fine maintenance comes up and the VELOs subscribe to to be tightened an blade pins need to be safety wired. Shortly thitherafter, about 2 hours because Im a learn and safety wired the VELOs instead of tightening them, but thats an new(prenominal) story. We finish the job I come in to sign off the MAFs and BAMI set my cranial down on the floor or desk I dont recall and I didnt see it again until the attached morning about 70ft above the hangar floor. Now I know the importance of the rotating shaft control program I am about to, in detail, explain to you. Hopefully my mistakes will not be repeated. There is a incision control program active in every(prenominal) shop. This program is very important to the safety of the helicopter and the men and women that maintain them and fly them. This program is the responsibility of from each one and every mechanic, avionics man, air framer, flight equipment men and women, pilots and crew chiefs.Basically, the pecker control program established in the United States Marine Corps is the responsibility of every member of the squadron. This program depends on each individual to coiffe their jobs carefully with the safety of themselves, their fellow marines and the aircraft always in mind. This program cannot afford small mistakes, and definitely no big mistakes. My experience with implement control is a little closer than most would want to come. I affirm terrible short term memory and it shows in my cast.Whether it be in replacing the mo one boost reservoir cap after I serviced it, before a flight, or it be in remembering to not leave my cranial just lying around on the shop floor and then never coming back to pick it up or put it in its proper place. My experiences keep u p been numerous and cannot be tolerated on the Flight line, in the squadron or in the Marine Corps. My actions could have in a direct or indirect way been the reason another(prenominal) marine or myself are not here alive today. Thankfully my actions were being closely monitored by the NCOs and other members of the shop .No one was hurt because of my actions and I have to say I am not surprised. The irradiation control program is also designed to disallow anything awful from happening in the case that a young inexperienced crew chief in training loses two or three rags, his cranial or any other beam he may have while performing a Daily and turnaround inspection or just signing off MAFs. Then never coming in to pick his cranial up and put it in the correct place. The way the tool control program in the Marine corps is set up, it makes it almost impossible to lose tools.It is dummy proof. Almost. Once that tool is befuddled they have a very effective way of retrieving that tool. T he first step in insuring that tools do not get bem apply is an inventory list. It is a list of individual items in a tool container. It identifies the tool location within the container by panel and item number. Each tool is etched with a number. When tool sizes do not provide etching the inventory list is noted to draw attention to those small tools. These tools are checked out via a log book kept in each shop witch is updated and checked three times a day.Once in the morning prior to starting any maintenance, again during shift exchange and again before securing night crew the logs are checked. Too make it easy to identify each tool the Navy and Marine Corps have set up a standardized way of labeling (etching) each individual tool that is large enough to etch. The order the numbers etched on each tool goes exchangeable this First number is the organization code, the second number is a work center code and the third number is the Tool Container number.When the work center is a uthorized more than one of a certain type of tool container (ie Pre Flight Kits) the number will be extended to identify the container. The tools that are too small to etch are kept in a special container with a special label affixed to it saying CONTAINS TOOLS TOO scurvy TO MARK. Tool issue is not an issue taken lightly because accountability of all tools is absolutely necessary to ensure none are lost. redundant and common tools alike fall under this rule that all tools are accounted for.Even things as small as goggles and sound suppressors to things as big as Ladders and Hydraulic Servicing Units need tool tags from specific boxes to be checked out. Hand tools and common tools fall into two assemblys. They have the Eighty percent (80%) group which consists of tools required to complete eighty percent of the maintenance tasks. These tools are found in the checkout boxes for the shop. They also have the 20 percent (20%) group which is consist of tools not so commonly used insid e a box in the shop. These tools can only be checked out individually and a tool tag is required for each individual tool.Another reason why the tool control program in the Marine Corps is so self-made is because of the thorough methods we have in place that prevent us from completely losing a tool. If ANY tool is found to be deficient or lost at any stage of the inventory process, an immediate search of the area will be conducted. We look everywhere we had been with the tool and everywhere we might have been. Once that has been done and the tool is still missing after extensive searching you send word your work center supervisor and another search, probably with a few more marines will be conducted.If the tool still can not be located your work center supervisor will notify Quality Assurance, Maintenance Control and the Aircraft maintenance Officer (AMO). In the mean time you will initiate a lost or missing tool report and give it to your work center supervisor. You will give a detailed statement of what happened all the way up until you realized the tool was lost and you will sign the statement for Quality Assurance. Maintenance Control puts a hold on all Air Traffic until the tool is found or Quality Assurance gives the good to go for flights to continue.The AMO is notified by Maintenance Control. You just standby and wait for the hammer. The meticulous tool check out procedures are another way to keep track of all tools in a shop. The procedures are as follows You open the tool container and do a thorough inspection of the tool container to be checked out, the condition of the tool container and missing or broken tools in the container are what you are looking for. You want to sure all devices used to secure tools in the tool container are not worn out or broken or missing.Inspect the tool container for FOD. You will be looking for things like safety wire, cotter pins, pieces of attaching hardware and pieces of broken tools. You want to ensure that all tools are wiped clean of any foreign fluids or grease. Also, very important, ensure that every tool is marked and belongs in that particular tool container. After inspecting the container you take it to an authorized member of the shop to inspect again and sign out in the tool container log book. When you bring the tool container back after maintenance is inished you do the process all over again. Including inspections, and signing the tool container back in to the shop. If at any point in your inspections you find a discrepancy in the condition of a tool there are steps you need to take. First of all you do not accept the tool container from the shop. The tool room will initiate a broken or missing tool report. The unserviceable tool should be replaced by a new one almost immediately. If a tool should break while performing maintenance there are also steps you need to follow.First you do an immediate search of the area and collect all the broken pieces of the tool. You initiate a b roken tool report. The broken tool will be replaced by a new one and that tool will be marked appropriately. Tool Control saves lives by preventing numerous hazardous situations from ever happening. It saves time by keeping track of all tools which aids in finding lost or missing tools. The tool Control program saves money by keeping a close eye on all the tools in a shop preventing lost and missing tools from ever occurring.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Gorilla, My Love Critical Anaysis Essay

The title every last(predicate)udes to a style of musical declamation that hovers between song and ordinary speech it is used for dialogic and narrative interludes during operas and oratories. The term recitatif also once included the now-obsolete meaning, the tone or rhythm peculiar to any language. Both of these definitions suggest the storys episodic nature, how each of the storys cinque sections happens in a register that is different from the respective ordinary lives of its two central characters, Roberta and Twyla. The storys vignettes bring together the rhythms of two lives for five, short moments, all of them narrated in Twylas voice.The story is, then, in several ways, Twylas recitatif. Recitatif is a pioneering story in racial writing as the race of Twyla and Roberta are debatable. though the characters are clearly separated by class, neither is affirmed as African American or Caucasian. Morrison has described the story as an experiment in the removal of all racial code s from a narrative about two characters of different races for whom racial identity is crucial.2 Plot summaryedit seeded player editbetaFirst encounteredit source editbetaTwyla and Roberta Fisk first meet within the confines of a state home for children, St. Bonnys (named after St. Bonaventure), because each has been taken away from her fix. Robertas mother is sick Twylas mother just give cares to dance all night. We learn immediately that the girls look different from one another one is black, one is white, although we arent told which is which. Despite their initially hostile feelings, they are drawn together because of their similar circumstances. They two like to eat chicken. The two girls turn out to be, in noted phrase, more alike than unalike. They were both dumped there.They become allies against the big girls on the second floor (whom they call gar-girls, a name they get from mishearing the word gargoyle), as well as against the homes real orphans, the children whose parents have died. They share a fascination with Maggie, the old, sandy-colored woman with legs like parentheses who works in the homes kitchen and who cant speak. Twyla and Roberta are reminded of their differences on the Sunday that each of their mothers comes to visit and attend church with them. Twylas mother Mary is dressed inappropriately Robertas mother, wearing an enormous cross on her evenmore enormous chest. Mary offers her hand, but Robertas mother refuses to shake Marys hand. Twyla experiences touch humiliations her mothers inappropriate behavior shames her, and she feels slighted by Robertas mothers refusal. Second encounteredit source editbetaTwyla and Roberta meet again eight old age subsequently during the 1960s, when Twyla is working behind the counter at the Howard Johnsons on the Thruway and Roberta is sitting in a booth with, two guys smothered in train and facial hair. Roberta and her friends are on their way to the west coast to keep an appointment with J imi Hendrix. The episode is brief, but long enough to make Twyla feel like an outsider in Robertas world. Third encounteredit source editbetaThe third clock Twyla and Roberta meet is 20 years after they first met at St. Bonnys. They are both married and meet while shopping at the Food Emporium, a new gourmet grocery store. Twyla describes the encounter as a complete paired of their last. They get along well and share memories of the past. Roberta is rich and Twyla is lower middle class. Twyla is married to a firefighter Roberta is married to an IBM executive. Fourth encounteredit source editbetaThe next time the two women meet, racial strife threatens Twylas town of Newburgh, NY in the form of busing. As she drives by the school, Twyla sees Roberta there, picketing the forced integration. Twyla is briefly threatened by the other protesters Roberta doesnt come to her aid. Robertas parting remark unsettles Twyla Maybe I am different now, Twyla. But youre not. Youre the same little state fry who kicked a poor old black lady when she was down on the ground. You kicked a black lady and you have the nerve to call me a bigot.Twyla replies, Maggie wasnt black. Either she does not remember that she was black, or she had never classified her sandy skin as black. Twyla decides to join the counter-picketing across the street from Roberta, where she spends a few long time hoisting signs that respond directly to Robertas sign. Fifth encounteredit source editbetaWe meet Twyla and Roberta once more this time it is in a coffee shop onChristmas Eve, years later, probably in the early 1980s. Roberta wants to discuss what she last said about Maggie. The conversation is sympathetic but ends on an unresolved note.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Life of Isaac Deutscher Essay

Trotskyism is a theory by a German, Leon Trotsky who was a Bolshevik-Leninist and in addition a Marxist. Trotsky politics do not advocate for socialism but rather proletarian renewal in a country, proletarian revolution is a revolution whereby the working class work unitedly to overthrow bourgeois. Trotskys followers are known as Trotskyist or Trot. The play Trotskys bar mitzvah is a ten minute play that was produced in Louisville KY. The drama explores the feeling of a Jew in the twentieth century.The play is whateverwhat based on the life of Isaac Deutscher. Isaac Deutscher was born in Chrzanow in Poland into a family of religious Jews, he studied the torah and the Talmud but by the time of his bar mitzvah he had lost his faith. After testing God by eating forbidden food at the serious of a holy person and witnessing that nothing happened, he became an atheist. The play examines the life of Isaac Deutscher and the challenges he went through that in conclusion led him to loos e his religion.Since the play is set in modern times, the viewer is competent to relate to the life of the main character in the play and understand the life of a modern ay Jew. The charm in this play is irresistible, scoopful apples is willing to experiment and try almost anything. He welcomes new ideas and his language is versatile. In the play he captures the audience by recreating history afresh and using an approach that the viewer is able to relate to.The author of the play, Max Apple has been compared favorably with separate prominent writers such as buns Barth, Philip Roth, and Woody Allen. Although his work has received critical acclaim and enjoys considerable popularity, some commentators think Maxs work in literature may have limited relevancy due to Max Apples heavy usage of heathen references, he makes use of plenty of his Jewish traditions in which some non Jewish readers find hard to relate to.However, it has been posited by some scholars that Apples audience is more and more a younger generation, the younger generation is more sympathetic to his flashy postmodern technique in literature and for whom the written language of the play is less meaningful than apples pictograph which is flashy. The author has borrowed real-life figures for use in his apologue for purely utilitarian and pragmatic purposes the author assumes that his readers know some things and hence commences his work from there.He has verbalize that he tries to write very quickly and economically so that anything that saves him from descriptions and unnecessary words is always steadying to him. That explains why the play Trotskys bar mitzvah is rather short. The playwright does not use retentive descriptive sentences. The play is given serious themes by the author, examples of these serious themes include death, love, health, money. The use of humor is astray employed in his work the author uses comic relief as he examines the variety of man harming attributes.To the a uthor, allusions, ironies, and levels of meaning make writing rather tiresome and instead he prefers the use of symbols, acronyms, images, real names, datelines, and the kind of catchy and absurd headlines often found in tabloids to give his writing an edge that it has over other types of literary works. The author is indeed charming in script as well as in character as depicted in the play, he is more interested in exploring new forms of writing, Max Apples has a refreshing and an uncommon way of telling a story.In conclusion it is clear to theorize that that play Trotskys bar mitzvah is wide known for its characteristics in comedy, intelligence, and witty inventiveness. Although it has a cultural bias that tends to discriminate non Jews or people who have no knowledge of Jewish traditions, it is safe to take that it is indeed a fascinating piece of work.REFERENCES1. http//actorstheater. com 2. Jerome Beaty, J. Paul hunter new worlds of literature. 3. http//seanhart. com/barmitzv ah 4. http//the nation. com/doc/200503/aronson

Sunday, May 19, 2019

International Business and Global Strategy Essay

In-Depth Market compend of two target securities industrys mainland chinaware and genus Argentina China is a great world exporter receiving large amounts of unusual invest custodyt and is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Entering the market therefore will be easier than when China was not part of the WTO. According to The World item Book (2010) by 2009, China had a race of 1. 34 billion. Although its population outgrowth is not very full(prenominal) at 0. 49, the population is the highest in the world and provides for ample market for Body Shop International Plc (BSI plc. ). China has an income dissemination of 51. 10.This indicates that the distribution of purchasing power is standardized. BSI plc does not have to specialize in its clientele and stomach anticipate a wide market for its products. Chinas miserly age stands at 35. 2. In the age demographics, Chinas largest age bracket is the 15-64 yeas age category. This makes up for 71. 9% of the population a s in 2008 where men were estimated at 491,513,378 and women at 465,020,030 (The World Fact Book. 2010). For BSI plc this creates a large market since hit products are normally consumed by this age group. In terms of education, China population is educated with a literacy rate of 92% (The World Fact Book. 010). The overall enrollment for elementary, secondary and higher education is at 69. 1. This is a pricy indicator that beauty products would be well received and are a part of the population that apprise appreciate its use. Chinas growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was at 8. 70 in 2009. This GDP has been on a rising trajectory and is expected to continue as China continues to draw near as an economic power. This provides for a secure market with good financial indicators that enthronement would respond favourably and quickly. The per capita megascopic income at 6600. 0 is in addition high making it easier for BSI plc to invest widely.The disposable income at 2. 60 r epresents a Chinas purchasing power. BSI plc would be able to promote its products and the conditions are favorable for business firm spending. The continued rise in GDP growth will add-on the spending habits of the population as the disposable income becomes more elastic. Inflation would negatively affect BSI plc and that is why the low inflation rate in China provides for market security against rising of prices. In china the population has continued to increase its cosmetics buying. At 46. 80 the population indicates a sizable spending on cosmetics.This creates a potential for BSI plc to garner a market share. China presents some difficulties in terms of ease of conducting business and economic freedom. However, foreign investment is still welcome and the government has haveed the doors for foreign investment. Argentina is one of the countries in South the States that have been experiencing economic growth. It therefore presents itself as a great target market. Its population o f in 2009 was 40. 1 Million. The population growth is not very high at 1. 17 but the country has a viable market population. Argentina has an income distribution of 51. 90.This indicates that the distribution of purchasing power is high and standardized. BSI plc therefore can anticipate a wide market for its products without having to cater for a specialize clientele. Argentinas mean age stands at 30. In the age demographics, Argentinas largest age bracket is the 15-64 twelvemonths at 63. 5% with the men standing at 12,961,725 while the women stand at 13,029,265 (The World Fact Book. 2010). For BSI plc this creates a large market since beauty products are usually consumed by this age group. According to The World Fact Book (2010) Argentina population is educated with a literacy rate of 97. %. This is a good indicator that beauty products would be well received and are a part of the population that can appreciate its use. Argentinas growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was at 0 . 20 in 2009. This GDP is low.This provides for a less secure market whereby BSI plcs investment may take longer to respond favorably and quickly. Despite the global economic crisis Argentina and most of the Latin America were not acutely affected. The per capita gross income at 10200. 0 is similarly high making it easier for BSI plc to invest widely. The disposable income at 1. 0 represents a condition purchasing power for Argentina. BSI plc would be able to promote its products as the conditions give room for moderate household spending. Inflation would which would negatively affect BSI plc stands at 4. 20. In Argentina spending on cosmetics has also increased although it is at 25. 40. This means BSI plc still has potential to make an investment in Argentinas existing market. At 127. 0 Argentina represents favorable ease with which BSI plc can do business in Argentina. It also has good economic freedom.Foreign investment is welcome. Contacts and Competitive AnalysisContacts are spellant in that they would allow BSI plc to gather information that is relevant to its venture. That is why the chamber of commerce assists foreign companies conducting business their country. It also offers its members relevant business contacts and information about Argentina. Through events and opportunities the Chamber also enables businesses to meet with government officials and distinguish players thus facilitating relations. Contact with the ministry of foreign affairs is also importingant to BSI plc. The ministry is responsible for trade agreements and policies.By having the Ministrys contacts, BSI plc can make necessary plans to attend and benefit from the ministrys consular and diplomatic activities. As the ministry seeks businesses and companies that would increase investment in their country, BSI plc would have an opportunity to market itself to the target countries. Contacts of possible suppliers, importers and buyers are helpful so that a company can establish busi ness relations within the fabrication. The choice of Alibaba corporation is model in that it is a recognizable global distributor with very strong financial and corporate growth according to Alibaba. om. (1999-2010).China Target Market potential The market potential in China is sooner high at 2530500000. This is calculated from number of potential consumers, the frequency with which the consumers buy in a year and the price of the product. This represents the potential of the cosmetic industry in China which BSI plc targets. Company Sales Potential BSI plc gross sales potential is dependent on the market share it will capture out of the potential market. If BSI plc secures a market share of 13. 5 %, it will estimate whether it can meet the demand of its target.Competitors Analysis debauched Company provides competition for BSI plc. According to Lush (19950-2010) its main product is body butter. The location of its headquarters is in China providing it with advantages of proxim ity. BSI plc is place and thus there are policies that favor it against foreign companies. This helps it keep its prices affordable. Lush has been in business for the ult 32 years giving it long experience in the industry. Lush Company caters to the local market in China and has specialized in the product demands of the local population and spare the product to effort the particular needs of the Chinese target market.Its employees number 1200 giving it good homosexual resource. Lush has also invested in e-commerce offering customers its products even where it does not have retails and wholesaler stores. They vary their prices in response to the market. In their promotion strategy Lush aims to protect its reputation and maintain its image. Their products they have elect to use to promote the quality of their product is care butter, Tuca &Tuca perfume, Tuca& Tuca massage oil, and Black stocking. Regulatory Environment for the industry In China, the regulatory environment would re gulate cosmetic products.This is because although a company would use the Automatic import licensing granting its cosmetics products freedom from import controls, the importation of materials like plastic need monitoring. FDI regulations and implications for BSI plc China is becoming the greatest receipient of FDI and as such it is poised for economic growth and increased capital that places BSI plc in a great stupefy for growth if it makes investment. The government regulates foreign investment according to WTO regulations and its economic goals where China is now quite open to and is keen to attract foreign investors.Argentina Target Market potential The market potential in Argentina is high at 41250000. This is calculated from number of potential consumers, the frequency with which the consumers buy in a year and the price of the product. This represents the potential of the cosmetic industry in Argentina. Company Sales Potential BSI plc sales potential is dependent on the marke t share it will capture out of the potential market. If BSI plc secures a market share of 3. 5 %, it will estimate whether it can meet the demand of its target.Competitors Analysis L Occitane Company provides competition for BSI plc. Its main product is mini shea butter/L Occitane body toner. According to The body Shop (2009) BSI plc deals with sweet almond oil in its moisturizers. The location of its headquarters is in Argentina providing it with advantages of proximity. BSI plc is localized and thus there are policies that favor it against foreign companies. This helps it keep its prices affordable. L Occitane has been in business for the past 34 years giving it long experience in the industry.L Occitane Company caters to the local market in Argentina and has specialized in the product demands of the local population and tailored the product to suit the particular needs of the Argentinean target market. Its employees number 2000 giving it great human resource. L Occitane has also invested in e-commerce offering customers its products even where it does not have retails and wholesaler stores. They vary their prices in response to the market. L Occitane uses advertising, personalized sale and product promotions as its promotional strategy.The products it uses include shea cocoa butter, Almont body care, verbena liquid dope honey and lemon scented and summer Travil Hair care. Its target market is 14 years and in a higher place both male and female. Regulatory Environment for the industry In Argentina, one of the key regulations would be in business conduct and tradition. Companies have to publish their Technical barriers to trade (TBT) measures. It contains duty and obligations related to the business and carrying into action of TBT investigation Points. Companies have to confirm their recognition of the Code of Good Practice.Argentina the Bureau of Customs is the governmental agency is strict in the enforcement of the tariff and Customs laws and regulation s. Importation of goods is governed by a numerous of import policy. FDI regulations and implications for BSI plc Argentina is currently not attracting much foreign investment due to its slow economic breeding and inflation rate. Although the government is using the WTO regulations and working hard to increase investment, there is difficulty for foreign companies because of high interest rates.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Manac Plc Essay

The assignment stage setting education You atomic number 18 the financial director of a large, ficticious fraternity called Manac plc, which produces and sells a range of standard galvanizing goods. Production and sales take place across a number of countries. The company enforces standard cost and absorption costing as part of its access code to strategic management accounting. The Board of Directors is concerned that the company is not meeting its budgeted target profits the managing director takes the simple view that more sales regard as more profits and that the products stomach not been priced to sell in sufficient numbers.While you are mindful that this is a possibility you recognise that the real reason for the lower than expected profits may be more complex. You have therefore firm to conduct a full review of variances to identify those areas which have not met budgeted expectations. Assignment Requirements While this review is underway and to improve the board o f directors understanding of the issues involved, you have decided to produce a inform to the board of directors which addresses the following 3 topics i. The models and concepts affecting the pricing decisions taken by organisations, critically reflecting upon their usefulness (maximum mark 33%). i. The role of standard costing and variance analysis in management accounting and a critically discussion of the value and limitations of variance analysis as a means of identifying key areas which have contributed to the overall profit figure (maximum mark 33%). iii. The advantages and disadvantages of introducing an Activity establish Costing system to replace the current Absorption Costing system (maximum mark 34%). The report should include critical evaluation of the models and concepts proposed outlining their merits and limitations.You may incorporate logical assumptions with regard to the company and use numerical examples to illustrate the models and concepts that you propose to adopt The University policy on cheating collusion and plagiarism allow be applied to this piece of deform. Guidance Students are encouraged to be inquisitive and innovative in their approach as to what should be included in this report the following may be of some use in providing guidance as to what could possibly be included, although this is in no way meant to be prescriptive. The use of the ssignment is to help you understand how key areas of strategic management accounting are demonstrated in radiation diagram by a large, international company. This will include investigating topics from throughout the course linked to the preceding(prenominal) issues. Some of the principles, concepts ad models will be more relevant to your chosen approach than others and so it is possible that different students will formulate different approaches to the problems. This is normal, it is not expected that all of the course content will be used in the analysis, concentrate on that which you feel is most important.As part of your work you might find it helpful to briefly explore the underlying theory behind the key areas of probe that you identify before applying them to report. With a total of 3,000 words you do not have a band of room for long introductions so assume you are writing to a sophisticated audience who has a working knowledge of strategic management accounting and is well versed in business theory. numerical example for illustrative purposes may be of use but should not be the main throw of the work. If used they should be to provide evidence to support your findings from your other analysis of position and policies.If other sources are used remember to reference everything Please avoid relying too heavily on descriptive sections reproducing information available from course stuff or the set text. It is your own logical, evaluation of the situation, the interpretation of course material and presentation, with critical analysis, of a coherent strategi c plan that will attract high marks. Marking run away The learning outcomes for this module assessed by this piece of work are Knowledge 1. Critically evaluate a range of key strategic management accounting models and concepts. . Critically understand of specific analytical skills in key areas within management accounting at local and international level

Friday, May 17, 2019

Pear trees and the bees

Tree and the Bees We argon never so defenseless against suffering as when we spot. This quote by Sigmund Freud sums up the book, Their Eyes Were ceremonial occasion God, written by Zorn Neal Hurst. In this book the protagonist, Jeanie, explains her life journey of love and loss. Specifically, Jeanie develops an thought processlized view of love from the effortless union of the pear direct and the bees. As a result, she believes love should be a gross(a) congruity amid two muckle, and she strives to find that perfect harmony through marriage.The story begins when Jeanie Is a schoolgirlish girl living with her grandmother, sitting pear tree Just trying to escape her chores and the hot sun. The tree Is starting to blooming this year Jeanie sees it in a completely different route. Stretched on her back beneath the parterre soaking in the alto chant of the visiting bees, the gold of the sun and the panting touch when the inaudible voice of it all came to her. (Hurst 29) Jea nie is tuned In to her surroundings and is observing and assessing every single detail near her.While Jeanie is entranced, she hears the inaudible voice she Is no longer that Innocent little child. She realizes that the kindred between the bees and the pear tree is more intimate than it appears. Genies roller coaster ride with nature has only just begun. She looks even closer at the bees and the skin rashs. She saw a disbarring bee sink into the sanctum of a bloom the thousand aesthetically arch to stomach the love embrace and the ecstatic shiver of the tree from root to tiniest branch creaming in every blossom and frothing with delight.So this was marriage (Hurst 29) Jeanie sees this Interaction between the bee and the blossom as an Image symbolizing the perfect harmony between two beings. The bee represents a male render by carrying the pollen and the blossom represents a female image by receiving the pollen from the bee. Jeanie captures the union as perfect romance and imag ines an image of what a marriage between people should look exchangeable. With this perfect image In her mind, Jeanie longs to create harmony In her own teenage life.Jeanie feels confine by her arranged marriage to Logan. When Joe Starks offers an escape, Jeanie runs off with him too town called Detonative. From promptly on until death she was button to have flower dust and flushtime sprinkled over everything. A bee for her bloom. (Hurst 73) Jeanie thinks that Joe will be perfect for her. In Genies mind Joe can fulfill her idealized image of marriage because he promises her great things, including a way out. Unfortunately, Jeanie is still so young and Immature that she cannot see past her nose.Joe will never be her bee Joeys ineffectual are elsewhere. He Is self centered and has his own dreams. Joe has saluteed her with his big plans and his big dreams, and Jeanie is blindsided by it all. Jeanie has no idea that her next twenty years with Joe are going to be nothing like she wanted. She wants to be wilderness and have a romantic life. But Joe is only going o give her money, a post and a proper image she must uphold. She had no more blossomy openings dusting pollen over her man, neither any lustrous young fruit where the petals used to be. (Hurst 152) Hurst uses simple processes of nature Money and other physical objects cannot quench Genies liking for true romance and relationship. Coupled with this, Jeanie still holds the idea of how a perfect marriage should be. Her relationship with Joe was not. Hence, her relationship was not successful, it did not bear fruit. Jeanie is no longer that sixteen year old little girl, she is now past forty with two unsuccessful marriages. Yet she still has her beauty and her ideals of perfect harmony like the pear tree blossom and the bee.She is still searching for her bee, and many men have tried to woo her like Joe did. Jeanie is not interested, she is looking for someone different. Along comes afternoon tea Cake . He looked like the love thoughts of women. He could be a bee too blossom a pear tree blossom in the spring (Hurst 220) Tea Cake brings out feelings in Jeanie she has never felt. He treats her like an equal. He does simple things as playing checkers with her. Tea Cake was her bee. He creates the feelings in her that she once had all those years go under that pear tree.Jeanie believes Tea Cake can fulfill her ideal image off man. Tea Cake and Jeanie share an effortless union, and they have created a perfect harmony. Tragically, terrible circumstances came about that resulted in the death of Tea eke. In conclusion, the pear tree and the bees in the book, Their Eyes Where Watching God by Zorn Neal Hurst, symbolize the relationship that Jeanie searched for her whole life. She envisioned an idealized image of a perfect harmony between two people. Unfortunately for Jeanie she was defenseless against repetitive suffering during her pursuit of true love.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

elBulli Group Essay

1. a.Which elements of the elBulli picture create value for clients? The entire elBulli experience is valuable to the restaurants clients. The succession and creativeness the faculty and chefs put into the elBulli experience give birth the customers quality valued. The elBulli dining experience is a unique and exclusive experience for customers. Customers feel that their time is well spent due to the quality of their dining experience at the restaurant. elBulli makes the customer feel sincerely appreciated by giving them at tour of the restaurant before their dining experience. Upon arriving, patrons were greeted by the staff and taken on a tour of the kitchen in order to showcase the unusual equipment and innovative techniques use at elBulli. One patronwho described Adria as Willy Wonkawrote, Lab-like and full of stainless steel it was immaculate, and went on to enounce that he watched in awe as gourmet oompa loompas diligently prepared a dizzying array of dishes (Norton, 20 09).b. How does the elBulli fashion model illustrate the difference between scrutinizeion to customers and understanding customers? what does this distinction have to do with fostering day-and-night innovation in an organization?The elBulli aggroup understood the importance of implementing the changes that meet customer expectation. They understood that it was valuable to customers to have new recipes each grade. This is what keeps the customers satisfied and returning to elBulli despite the two-year wait for a reservation. listen to customers does not always cause an action on the part of a company. The distinction between listening and understanding customers is what brings the company to action when considering new innovative ideas.2. What are the most salient features of the creative extremity (continuous innovation) at elBulli?Chef Ferran Adria revolutionized elBulli into one of the top restaurants in the existence by introducing his innovative philosophy that evolved from the simple question, What is creativity? The answer according to Chef Jacques Maximim, To create is not to copy, was simple yet had a profound force on Adria.Adrian continu eithery sought new techniques and new equipment to focus on the five senses to create dishes to make people think and feel when eating. His near-scientific approaches to the transformation of food gained popularity as an international movement referred to as molecular(a) Gastronomy.The innovation continued with the opening of an R&D laboratory, called El Taller. During the off season when elBulli was closed, Adria and his team up devoted time to creating a full set of completely new recipes that were to be used the abutting year. The idea was the product of creativity develop recipes, use them for one season and then discard them neer to be used again. Adria found it to be crucial to the creative process at elBulliEverything at elBulli inevitably to be renewed for the next year. Imagine Pepsico having to renew its entire product line for next year . . . More techniques and concepts have been developed at elBulli over the past 15 years than in the world over the past century.The creative process of developing new recipes and never using them again heart-to-heart the door for one of Adrias side projects. A General Catalog was developed to document all recipes from the previous year. The catalog gave a date and number for each recipe, Adria considered this a yearly internal audit of the creative process. Publishing his catalog served three purposes. First, it ensured he received proper credit for new creations. Second, it allowed the team to track trends in innovation. Third, it generated revenue.Overall, Chef Ferran Adria is one of the most creative minds in the restaurant business. His innovative work has revolutionized the persistence and will forever be used as an example of how unique approaches to creativity can multiply international movements.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Conflict between Forensic Analysis and Business Process Assignment

The Conflict between Forensic Analysis and billet Process - Assignment ExampleComputer forensic has been existing for a long period of fourth dimension and computer has stored data that could be used as raise for many years. In fact digital forensic was performed in the beginning by government agencies however now it has become common in the commercial sector.The more and more digital world become much common than any checkmate dealing with crises, threats and computer intrusion and unauthorized use of corporate computers. Computer forensics is the basis of the electronic papers in interpreting data to reconstruct files and events. Emergence the computer forensic was a result of the convert by the business world from paper record keeping to electronic document storage. Even though just a few of organizations have the management structure in their place to investigate and differentiate the evidence.Collecting Digital evidence is a big filed I am not going to disguise all part of the evidence but mostly go through the part regarding the corporation. Digital pieces of evidence can include for example computers, hard driver, USB memory device (Removable media) and cell phone, camera or earnings history include web page cookies temporary internet files internet history can bill the behavior pattern for the user and monitor any malicious attempt, text files, Documents, spreadsheets, servers, graphics file could be download image from the internet or scanned documentsPenetration Companys computer network and launching attacks into the system that exemplar network downtime or releasing viruses or malicious code. This is a serious crime (the criminal evaluator system) has taken attention by strengthening computer crimes laws, track down and prosecute guilty tribe who intrude into companies or other people network and steal data.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Humanities Final Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Humanities final Paper - Essay ExampleMany of the English writers tried to translate the Decameron or the hundred tales from measure to time but few of them were successful in translating all the hundred tales.The Boccaccio linked these tales as twain(prenominal) of them be about phantasmal issues iodin is applauding the Christianity while the separate is providing proof for all of the three religions by relating them to an example of three rings that bypasses honor and state to its descendants provided by a Jew to Saladin and remained safe from him collectable to him (Wallis).There are few similarities in both the myths as both of these novels are from the same sidereal day that is the First and are the product of humans power of revoking ideas in response to the environment that one idea give birth to another idea one point is handsome by the other person in an interpersonal communications (Payne).The similarities that are observed in these two novels are the religious sentiments that are involved in these two novels one applauds Christianity while the other applauds the three big religions that is Islam, Christianity and Judaism (Migiel).In both the stories the ideas are clarified by the use of examples that is in the 2nd novel the idea is clarified by the visit of the Jew to the court of Rome and in the third novel the point is clarified by the example of the ring that passes honor and state to the dependent of a king.In both the novels the central characters are Jews that is in the 2nd novel it is Abraham and in the third novel it is Melcheizedeck. Another similarity in both the novels are both the Jews in the novels were wealthy.Main difference is the change of the result in both the novels that is in 2nd novel the end result of the is that a Jew went to Rome for personal observation of the Romes court after the preaching of one of his Christian friend but returned with bad experience and becomes Christian unexpectedly, this novel explains the grace of God on some people. While the end result of the 3rd novel

Monday, May 13, 2019

Task 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Task 1 - Essay representativeThe responses should enable you to identify what you are good or bad at from which you can create a personal SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). From this SWOT analysis you can then concentrate on develop certain areas that will enhance your academic and professional development.We would very much like to get to drive in you through this document and would encourage you to also complete the notes section. In this you could give us a principle for your responses to the questions.Most careers require five skills of (1) communication (2) Research and planning (3) social skills (4) Leadership and (5) survival skills. As a member of the Qatari Navy, it is my belief that Ive have displayed these five key skills with communication and interpersonal relations standing out. Of significance is that I see essential leadership skills in me with relevant skills in networking, organization, interpersonal relationships and communication. T hese traits exhibited enable me to properly manage most projects.Team members need to feel respected, appreciated and valued. audience to their contribution therefore, allows their self worth to come out enabling them to be confident in the duties of the team. As a leader, one has the responsibility of providing a sense of direction through clear explanation of goals so that each member has a proper understanding of their respective roles and responsibilities. Members should also be given the live to provide feedback and float useful ideas. From my experience within the Qatari navy, when junior staff are denigrate and made to feel insignificant to receive regular communications on an organizations happenings, absenteeism be increase with a rise in staff turnover besides poor performance.My experience in organization with the Qatari Navy has made me absolutely confident of my ability as an effective leader. As a team leader, I must stay ahead of the rest in terms of knowledge

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Latino Culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Latino kitchen-gardening - Research Paper ExampleFurther, Latinos have considerably different histories, cultural approaches and contemporary social problems (Suargonz-Orozco & Paez, 2008).Latinos are not a simple racial or ethnic group, but they are the product of a distinctive civilised society (Hayes-Bautista, 2005, p.5). Latinos are generally described by governmental policy models as a racial group, a language group, a group with strong affilitation to their traditional culture, a nonadaptive minority group, or an urban underclass. However, the core element of Latinos is the continued presence of a Latino civil society, which provides Latino children with their initial experiences in the social world, teaches them right and wrong, duty, early concepts of civic responsibility, and first notions of personal identity. there is a great heterogeneity among the different groups of Latinos, their experiences depending on various factors such(prenominal) as race, color, gender, socio- economic status, language, immigrant status, and mode of internalization into the United States (Suarez-Orozco & Paez, 2008, p.4). The social practices and cultural models of multiculturalism contribute to the experiences, perceptions and the range of behaviors of both immigrant and native-born Latinos in ways uncommon during earlier large-scale immigration. The racial and ethnic categorization of Latinos has high stakes political and economic implications such as civil rights, equal opportunities, and affirmative action.Mainland Puerto Ricans and immigrant Dominicans indicate a high level of transnationalism, evident in the economic, political and cultural strategies adopted by diasporic people. They lead double lives with double loyalties, living alternately mingled with their island and the mainland remitting large sums of money to their homeland, continue to participate in political processes there, and periodically visit their homeland to fight back their social and cultural ties. Transnational behavior, and alternately

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Case study on public adminstration PowerPoint Presentation

Case study on public adminstration - PowerPoint Presentation ExampleFinally, the case manages to blueprint the importance of government policies and politics in public administration and the part they play in ensuring achievement of an validation such as Red CrossRed Cross was founded in 1881 by Clara Burton and the organic law soon grew to become the largest non-governmental cheek in the US. The leadership and management of the organization was of extreme importance that the organization became answerable to the US President. After 1989, very important things happened that drew the attention of professionals in the public administration. The organization enjoyed the administration under four major leaders and four temporary leaders. The leadership of Healy was particularly important. Healy took government activity in 1991 and during her administration the Red Cross had to deal with two important events Hurricane Floyd and Tropical Storm Allison. family 11 bombing of twin towe rs also occurred during Healys presidency. However, a combination of politics, poor leadership and escape of strategy saw the popularity of Healy diminish and she was forced to resign in 2001 after she fell out with the board.The light upon issues that emerged from the case include the role played by leadership and management in public administration, the role played by politics in public administration and how leaders should execute government policies in ensuring the success of an

Friday, May 10, 2019

Digital Digest of Mexican Art in the News Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Digital meet of Mexican Art in the News - Essay ExampleOne of the works of art that pacify being admired in todays era is the Nativity Group with Angel of the eighteenth Century Guatemalan. This piece of art describes the era of crucifixion and shows the mother of Christ, Mary and his father Joseph. They ar habilitate in silk robes which signify a touch of the Asian fashion. This drawing depicts the Virgin Mary as in the face of a Hispano-Philippine. This is deduced from the eyes being heavy-lidded and the oval face that is braced with pure countenance. The drawing to a fault depicts the usual grow of the silk from the Chinese that is attained through the Galleon trade.The design that was generated by the workshops that created the Guatemalan sculptures maintained a constant style over the years. The paint also demonstrates the influence of Guatemalan estofado through the use of coin textiles and silk that was lavish. This was achieved through a unique form of painting that had more freedom to try out divers(prenominal) styles enables variety witnessed in the sculptures. They used a variety of patterns and the painting can therefore effectively be used to determine the setting that was intended to be expressed. This painting is of great value and is also describes the culture of Spanish American style. The portrait is put together with wood, polychrome and glided. It has eyes made of glass and halos that are silver-glint.Jose Manuel de Cervantes y Velasco is a portrait that dates to 1805. It is of a tot and depicts him lying in a coffin that is lace-trimmed. This toddler is dressed just like the Archangel Michael with wings that are jewel studded and a summit that is plumed. Both of the above paintings, though from different artists are a depiction of culture and a window into historical beliefs. The Nativity group angel and the Jose Manuel de Cervantes y Velasco are portraits that were developed with great keenness to detail. The approving captured i n the portraits is almost tangible at

Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Horse Gallops co for Information mangment system Case Study

The vaulting horse Gallops co for randomness mangment system - Case Study ExampleThere are several departments in the company dealings with the various logistics required in real estate. The contractors deal with the building of houses, while the maintenance department ensures that the commercial units are well maintained and operational. The trading and mortgage department deal with payment of the houses and general fiscal matters, while the general services department deals with serving the customers needs.I am the general manager of the Horse and Gallops Company. My role in the company is to ensure that the requirements of every customer are met by the various departments. It is, therefore, my descent to link the various departments and ensure that the houses or commercial units are finished in time and as promised. There have been several complaints from customers that these departments are not linked and one has to jump from component to office to solve their problems. When it comes to payment there is also a disconnection between an individual who has to pay change to the various departments. This problem is especially common when a customer wants more than one partition.Shaping of bare-assed businesses means latest threats for the businesses. New trends in Horse and Gallops are frequently employed to curb these risks. With the result of the business, purchasing and developing innovative technological keys that cater to dangers that did not exist in the company when it was constituted should be enhanced. As different parties respond differently to unlike hazards, this enables them to set tribute aims. Understanding security perils is an extremely crucial step for organizations that want to set up security policies that can prevent next hazards. This approach is also called Threat scrutiny. It simply entails on pointing out the assets at risk, plus the evaluation of potency dangers on them.This is the most faced threat by most of todays compani es. The emerging and unvarying